"Development of an innovative methodology for testing the aquatic environment with the use of formations of autonomous underwater vehicles and artificial intelligence to identify and classify ferromagnetic hazardous objects"
Project co-financed from European Funds under the Smart Growth Operational Program for 2014-2020, Measure 1.1 R&D projects of enterprises, Sub-measure 1.1.1 Industrial research and development works carried out by enterprises.
to provide a tool to reduce the cost of detecting and dangerous ferromagnetic objects such as unexploded ordnance or sunken conventional or chemical weapons. The Applicant’s idea is to implement on the market an effective method of passive magnetic scanning of the sea and river bottom, required before the implementation of infrastructural investments in offshore wind farms, mining platforms, expansion of ports or dredging of rivers. Currently, such research is carried out using towed magnetometric probes by RSV (Research Survey Vessel) research vessels. Increasingly, autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are used as an alternative to towed systems. The currently used vehicles perform an individually assigned mission, are very expensive, but they eliminate a number of disadvantages of towed systems. The project is carried out in cooperation with the Naval Academy and the Silesian University of Technology.