Intelligent, efficient system for specialised underwater work

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"An intelligent, effective system for conducting specialized underwater works"

Project co-financed from European Funds under the Smart Growth Operational Program for 2014-2020, Measure 1.1 R&D projects of enterprises, Sub-measure 1.1.1 Industrial research and development works carried out by enterprises.


development of an innovative, intelligent, high-performance system for conducting specialist underwater works (including those related to the safe extraction of unexploded ordnance), consisting of a remotely controlled underwater vehicle with dynamically controlled buoyancy and active ballast, equipped with intuitive, haptically controlled arms and specialized tools for carrying out various mechanical underwater works, including cleaning and high-pressure water cutting.

A system for conducting specialized underwater works (including those related to the extraction of unexploded ordnance), consisting of a remotely controlled underwater vehicle with dynamically controlled buoyancy and active ballast, equipped with intuitive, haptic-controlled arms and specialized tools for conducting mechanical underwater works, including cleaning and high pressure water jet cutting. The system works in the Industry 4.0 standard, enables monitoring, recording and archiving of the process. It has the functions of recognizing the shapes and sizes of underwater objects. This tool is able to replace the work of divers in particularly dangerous and difficult conditions. The target group of recipients includes companies that conduct specialist underwater works, primarily in the field of inspection of the seabed, river bottom and inland waters, as well as the removal and cleaning of the bottom of unexploded ordnance. The vehicle can be used to monitor and inspect the seabed to find and neutralize unexploded ordnance and sources of potential chemical contamination. It can be equipped with a manipulator arm and a head for pressure water cutting. The area of potential application of the project result is the repair of concrete and steel structures of dams, bridges and other hydrotechnical facilities. In the case of objects made of concrete, the advantage of using high-pressure water as the so-called hydro demolition, i.e. forging concrete with a stream of water. High-pressure water has such a high stream energy that it effectively and efficiently removes concrete also under water without introducing vibrations. Activities carried out using the developed system will allow for the implementation of many types of underwater works, performed in special conditions, often threatening human life and safety.

The project was completed in December 2021. A patent application has been filed with the EPO under the title: “Underwater, remotely controlled device for cutting structures and objects with high-pressure liquid” under the number EP21218277.8.

After completing the research and achieving the goals planned in the project, SR Robotics plans to implement the project results in its business activities, first on the Polish market, and then abroad (EU market).

Project implementation period:

01/01/2021 – 30/11/2023

Project value:
PLN 5,947,750.00
Project co-financing from the EU:
PLN 4,531,912.50
